改革之年应运而生的舜风企业,坚持"勤勉创业、诚信立业、科技兴业"的经营理念,以客户满意为准绳,以市场为导向,以闭式冷却塔及环保节水产品为主业。唯专、唯精、唯强。立产品品质、升服务品性、超客户期望、树企业品牌。创新创优,精耕细耘。 Yu Shun is one of the legendary rulers of remote antiquity. The "historical records of guiji(today's Shaoxing)has it that. Shun is from Shangyu, born in Yaoqiu 15 kilometers away from Shangyu"It is said Great Shun was farming in the Lishan Mountain,God dispatched big elephants to plough and flying birds to weed for him. It was because that his piety moved heaven and earth.The Chinese name of the company is given after great shun in honour of him. The river of shun runs forever while progression of the Sunfly forwards permanence.We will attach importance to science and techology improvement,actively absorb the internationl advanced technology,increasingly develop and upgrade products, provide excellent after-sale service, benefit our valuable customers. COMPANY VIEWS 公司形象 绍兴舜宏冷却设备有限公司是一家依托国内知名高等学府和研究院所的暖通空调、工业水处理、环境科学等专业技术而组建的民营高科技企业。致力于冷却塔工艺循环节水设备——冷却塔、闭式冷却塔、干、湿式翅片管空冷器、水处理设备等环保产品的研发和制造。 ENGINEERING CASE 工程案例
镇赉县 | 旺苍县 | 安图县 | 新疆 | 额济纳旗 | 吴忠市 |
靖西县 | 黄石市 | 乌兰浩特市 | 朔州市 | 建阳市 | 葫芦岛市 |
泉州市 | 临泉县 | 金川县 | 吴江市 | 陇南市 | 乐安县 |